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Nevada Healthcare

Nevada has a serious healthcare crisis that affects us all. Nevadan suffers from a lack of healthcare specialist and primary care physicians, long wait times for appointments, overcrowded hospitals, and shortages of nurses and healthcare staff. It is no wonder that Nevada ranks 45th in Access to Care, 47th in Quality of Care, and is below the national average in 33 of 39 physician specialties. We are in big trouble, and nothing is being done to solve it.

My HEAL Plan (Health Equity Advancement, Ensuring Access, Affordable Care, Leveraging Innovation) is a strategic roadmap toward a healthier future by attracting good healthcare specialists to Nevada, participating in licensure compacts, retaining and increasing talent, and improving access to top healthcare services.

As a candidate, I am already working with healthcare stakeholders and policymakers to create a short and long-term plan towards a healthier Nevada. As your State Senator, I will champion and support legislation that:

  • Makes Nevada attractive to healthcare specialists through reasonable medical malpractice reforms and by providing a variety of practice options for physicians.
  • Increases Medicaid reimbursement.
  • Retains graduates from our higher institutions by increasing access to Graduate Medical Education (residency) opportunities.
  • Increases the number of nursing staff by entering into the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) to allow nurses cross state lines to support Nevada's needs.
  • Sets a nurse-to-patient ratio.
  • Decreases hospital wait times and overuse by reducing unnecessary emergency room visits.
  • Diversifies State and Federal funding resources to add consistency to the state's public health fund.