Improving Nevada’s education system is a critical priority for the future of our State and is the cornerstone of individual success and the foundation of a thriving community. As the husband of a 28-year public school teacher, education and school safety are my top priorities. As your State Senator, I will focus on reducing class size, teacher support, school safety, and accountability and transparency to make Nevada a top State for education.
School Choice
Nevada needs more classrooms and teachers to provide the best education possible to every child. Our public schools can't do this alone and throwing more money at the problem isn't solving anything as class sizes keep growing and more and more teachers quit. The solution is to bring more classrooms to Nevada by expanding access to private and charter schools and give parents more educational options for their children. It only makes sense that more classrooms reduce class sizes, promotes efficiency and innovation, and creates a healthy learning environment to retain good teachers by allowing them to better engage and educate students.
School Safety
As the husband of a teacher, school safety is always at the top of my mind. New student behavior policies, like Restorative Justice, have eliminated accountability and left teachers without the authority to take control of their classrooms, leaving them and students vulnerable to violent attacks and bullying. I believe in zero tolerance for violence against educators and will work to revise “Restorative Justice” laws and make schools safe.
Chances for Success
When grading education, researchers compare three indexes: Chance-for-Success, School Finance, and K-12 Achievement. Nevada is ranked 50th in Chances-for-Success, an analysis that looks at the communities and its role in student outcomes. It evaluates a range of indicators, including family income, parent education, preschool enrollment, steady employment, and adults with college degrees. In K-12 Achievement, Nevada ranks 18th.
To improve our education, Nevada must prioritize increasing Chances for Success through diversification of our economy, workforce development, and upskilling programs so parents become the trailblazers of their child's career.
As your State Senator, I will champion and support legislation that: