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Cutting Spending

Government waste is out of control in Nevada. When it comes to technology, Nevada wastes millions of dollars a year on redundant technology, licensing, and services by allowing each government agency to control its budget, staff, and purchasing power. The problems don’t stop there. With the lack of control of technology spending, the State struggles to get accurate and timely data between agencies, delaying information to businesses and individuals needing State services. Just look at DETR's failures during COVID and DMV upgrade debacle as examples of expensive and lousy technology decisions.

My Streamline Nevada Plan is a cost-saving measure that aims to decrease taxpayer spending on technology. It does this by optimizing services through technology governance led by the State CIO. This includes combining the technology budget of state agencies and overseeing technology purchasing and decision-making, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective use of resources.

As a former CIO, I know that aligning technology strategies is vital to decrease costs and optimize services. As your State Senator, I will champion and support legislation toward an effective governance plan to:

  1. Align Technology Resources to Serve Nevadans Better
  2. Consolidate the State's Technology Budget
  3. Modernize Nevada's Technology Services and Resources
  4. Cut Wasteful and Unnecessary Technology Spending